Helena is the smallest lamb we have ever seen on the Farm, she was so tiny that she couldn't even reach her mothers udder to drink milk - because of her small size she was also very weak at birth and the fact that she was Hyperthermic and developed a lung infection, she had to become a bottle fed lamb and live inside with us, on heated floors and a hot water bottle to make sure her body temperature is regulated at all times. Helena is still just 3 days old, but loves getting all the attention, being carried like a baby kangaroo, sleeping on our lap and following our two year old daughter Maja Lý around the living room.
The name Helena is after my grandmother who loves flowers and purple.
The pictures are all taken and edited by farmer Harriet Olafsdóttir.
All posters will be printed and shipped from The Faroe Islands.
Showing the beauty of The Faroe Islands through my creativity has always been a dream of mine.
Living in this place surrounded by harsh seas, strong winds and dark winters photography started as a way to look for beauty in everything. Growing up in a small town as a farmers daughter, animals have always been close to my heart. Through this series I want to show the natural beauty and soul of these majestic creatures.